In your IB Presentation Planning Document, please make sure you review these three links: Exemplar IB Presentation Planning document. Exemplar Presentation Planning Document from IB. Here is one with notes on how to complete it. Your Presentation Planning Document should look like the two exemplars! Remember, when you submit your final Presentation Planning Document, I must receive one from each of you if you are a two-person group (they can look the same). I only need one copy of the overall, complete outline. You should be able to copy-and-paste your Knowledge Question, real-life situation, claims and TOK connections from the longer Oral Presentation outline you have submitted.
You can also see other examples at the overall Oral Presentation blog post by looking under the student videos in Week One.
Group, Topic, Primary Knowledge question – handed in by Feb. 28th
Claims (for one-or-two person groups), Counter Claims and Secondary Knowledge questions (for three non-IB Diploma student groups) due by March 6th
Draft presentation outline due by March 20th
“Final” presentation outline and slideshow due by April 3rd (Guinea Pig presentations on March 30th and 31st – they are critiqued publicly by Mr. Ferlazzo and the rest of the class can learn from it)
Wednesday, April 15th: Presentations begin today. We will be doing three-to-six presentations each day in each class (maybe fewer on Thursdays). Students get a one-half grade upgrade (for our class, not for IB) if they are ready to present on their scheduled day. If you are absent on the day of your presentation, you must present Mr. Ferlazzo with an excuse written by your parent or doctor. If you are absent or not ready the day of your presentation, you must present to Mr. Ferlazzo during lunch the next day. If you do not, your presentation grade will be reduced.
Presentations completed by May 7th.
Party on May 8th
Begin work on May 11th (Note that Mr. Ferlazzo will not be at school on April 28th, 29th, 30th or May 1st. Because of that, students may begin preliminary work on their essays on some of those days).
Final essay due 10:00 PM on Wednesday,June 3rd.
June 6th, 7th & 8th, 9th – Final “Exam”
Instagram Videos
You must create three short videos (or one longer one) communicating the meaning of three important TOK concepts. You can work alone or in groups of two.
Your grade in the final quarter will be composed of forty percent for Oral Presentation, forty percent for the essay, ten percent third quarter homework and warm-ups, ten percent for the final videos.
You can receive extra credit for your Final by creating an infographic explaining the Theory of Knowledge class. You can see an example here. You can use any tool you want, including pen and paper. Free online tools include Visme, Piktochart, Venngage, Infogram or Easelly.
NOTE: This schedule has links to all necessary resources. However, if you would like to see even more examples from previous years’ classes of videotaped TOK Presentations, outlines, presentation planning documents and PowerPoints, click on this Oral Presentations tag and scroll down.
* Students become familiar with basics of TOK Presentation
* Decide if they are going to do it on their own, work with one other person, or work with two others
* Decide on topic (start by making a list of things you are interested in) and Primary Knowledge Question (Some advice: Once you come up with a Knowledge Question you like, look at it again to see if you can make it more broad. For example, if you want to do it on Bullying, think about what is its cause (maybe a need for power or dominance) and/or what is it a symptom of (maybe people feeling powerless in other parts of their lives). Then, develop a knowledge question focused on that cause or symptom and use bullying (or whatever your interest) as one example to help illustrate the knowledge question. Also, look at it and see if it is more like a topic that would be appropriate for English or Social Studies class.). You can see one way a student group did this process here.
Here’s an example of what happened with a group last year:
They had chosen bullying as their topic and began with a primary knowledge question of “How can we stop bullying?” I pushed them to consider that bullying was a symptom of something, to talk among themselves about what might the “disease” or “cause” might be, and to base their primary knowledge question about that. Ultimately, they developed this excellent one: “How does power influence how we treat each other?”
5. Presentation Outline For Three Students (They cannot be IB Diploma Candidates). You can see a video example of a good presentation using this model below the videos of Michelle and Jose.
6. Exemplar Outline for presentation from 2016 class (This exemplar is for groups of three students). If you are presenting alone or with one other student, see the outlines for Jose or Michelle, which can be found under their videos a little further down in this post.
Watch this next presentation. It was done prior to the changes IB made in their presentation expectations, but is still very good. It doesn’t exactly follow our outline model, but make notes about what you like about it.
Here’s a link that won’t be blocked by YouTube Safety Mode: TOK Presentation
One of the elements in the above presentation is their sharing the results of an experiment they did themselves.
12. Turn in your topic and primary knowledge question to Mr. Ferlazzo by the end of Friday – either on paper or by email larryferlazzo at scusd dot org.
By Tuesday night, you should have copy-and-pasted your Oral Presentation form (Presentation Outline For Presentations) into Google Docs with your approved Knowledge Question and the narrative of your real-life situation. Send it to larry-ferlazzo at scusd dot edu.
*Identify your real-life situation. View the beginning (first three minutes) of the videos (at least four) above to get some ideas. They can be personal stories or from the news, and have to be told in the style of a story.
Your real life situation doesn’t necessarily have to follow this model precisely, but must demonstrate good storytelling skills, including drama!
* Identify your claims.
See these suggestions for finding claims:
* Begin by typing your Knowledge Question (or a portion of it) into a browser search bar plus the word “theories.” Your results should show many possible “claims.” You can “copy & paste” many of those claims into your outline. You must have at least four claims. You can quote and cite claims, but you must also put them into your own words.
*Make sure your claims and counter-claims are stated as answers to your Knowledge Question. Cite an authoritative source for your claim and, if you use a quote, make sure you also restate the claim in your own words.
Here is an example from Bruce Ruiz (he has sources for his claims and counter-claims, but I don’t show them here):
To what extent does humor reflect ethics and morals?
Claim #1: Ethically, Humor is just Jokes, And shouldn’t be taken seriously.
Claim #2:If you make a sexist, racist, or homophobic joke, it shows what your ethics are, and makes you sexist, racist, and homophobic.
Counterclaim: If you make a sexist, racist, or homophobic joke, you are pointing out the absurdity of the joke.
Claim #3: Humor is used to demonstrate superiority and vulgarity
Counterclaim: Humor is used to demonstrate friendly communication and to lighten any tension between people.
Claim #4: Humor is used to point out absurdity in peoples ethics, morals, and overall outlook on the world and what surrounds them.
* Your most important thinking will come by having to make multiple TOK connections to each claim, developing stories and examples to illustrate and support them, and applying those claims to your real-life situation. You’ll want use at least three Ways of Knowing and three Areas of Knowledge within your claims. You can see them listed at the bottom of this post as reminders. You will want to make it very clear – both in the introduction of your presentation and in its body, which Ways of Knowing and which Areas of Knowledge you are including.
* At least two of your claims must also have counter-claims to demonstrate that you have the ability to see both sides of an issue. More counter-claims are even better.
*By Friday night you must have written your four claims and two counter-claims in the Oral Presentation outline on your Google Doc – six sentences, along with your source. Remember, your claims must come from authoritative sources, not just from your head. Choose two of your claims to develop counter claims.
* Put each of your counter claims at the bottom of the claim section which the counter claim is specifically challenging. Even though these sections are not in the outline form, you primarily need:
-The Counter claim
– Its source
– evidence and example
– An opposing argument – how is this counter claim not successful in questioning the validity of your claim.
Goals for this week:
* Review more presentation basics
* Complete most work on your draft presentation outline
* Every claim, counter claim, TOK connection MUST have a at least one story/example connected to it (beginning/middle/end). Ideally, you will share multiple stories. These stories must help explain the TOK connection and claim.See the second half of The Best Digital Storytelling Resources to learn about how to tell stories and their importance (start from the bottom). Your stories should be a mix of personal ones and ones you’ve learned from texts, movies, history, etc. IMPORTANT: When you tell the stories, be sure to connect them back to the knowledge question! You can also refer back to Lincoln’s storytelling strategy.
*Many easy TOK connections can be made by looking through the textbook and the packets. Don’t forget looking through the packets! Stories must be specific events – not generalities. Again, you should use at least three Ways of Knowing and three Areas of Knowledge. Look at each claim, then look at the list of Ways Of Knowing and Areas Of Knowledge at the bottom of this post. Identify which WOK and AOK have the most obvious connections to your claims.
*Your drafts should include at least seven – and ideally more – claims/examples/stories from the TOK textbook and/or the packets. Other claims/examples/stories can come from your research and personal experiences.
2.Read this guide and discuss – identify at least three useful pieces of information and one question (if it is blocked by school filters, access it here.
* Final Outline of presentation due by Friday (if done earlier – all the better!)
* Work on your Google Slide or Prezi – this is also due on Friday
*Guinea Pig group or groups chosen
Review the end of each of the presentation videos we viewed in the first week to get an idea of what your conclusion should look like.
In your conclusion, make it very clear what you think (the conclusion is where you should be sharing your opinion, not in the body of the presentation) the implications of your research has for your Real Life situation and other real life situations. In other words, how are you thinking differently about your real life situation now after all your research than when you first developed the question, and how might it inform your thinking about similar real life situations in the future?
1. Review PowerPoint from Jose and Michelle’s presentations under the “First Week” section, along with the one from the three-person video. What are three things you notice that would help you?
6. Check out this Oral Presentation rubric that was put into clear language by TOK teacher Roo Stenning
6. Turn in your outline to Mr. Ferlazzo by the end of Friday – by email larryferlazzo at scusd dot org.
*Guinea Pig group Presents
* Students finalize their outline and PowerPoint
* Presentation schedule set
* If you are an IB Diploma candidate, complete and submit your oral presentation planning document.
In your IB Presentation Planning Document, please make sure you review these three links: Exemplar IB Presentation Planning document. Exemplar Presentation Planning Document from IB. Here is one with notes on how to complete it. Your Presentation Planning Document should look like the two exemplars! Remember, when you submit your final Presentation Planning Document, I must receive one from each of you if you are a two-person group (they can look the same). I only need one copy of the overall, complete outline. You should be able to copy-and-paste your Knowledge Question, real-life situation, claims and TOK connections from the longer Oral Presentation outline you have submitted.
1. Guinea Pig group presents and is critiqued by Mr. Ferlazzo in front of class.
2. Other student groups get two days to make revisions and complete all presentations by the end of next week.
3. Complete final PowerPoint or Prezi and send it to Mr. Ferlazzo by 8:00 AM of Monday of Week Six. Get his feedback prior to emailing it, if possible. Final Oral Presentation outline sent, as well. All IB Diploma Candidates complete the official IB Presentation Planning Document and email it to Mr. Ferlazzo (larry-ferlazzo at scusd dot edu: Presentation Planning Document
It’s a “fillable” PDF document, but will not work if you save it in your browser. You must download it to your computer and then fill it in. Please use Firefox. Every person in your group can have the same document, but you must email it to Mr. Ferlazzo separately.
Here are two more examples of excellent Presentation Planning Documents. They are in a Word Document, but have the same questions as the PDF:
1. All groups practice presenting to at least two other groups.
For three-person groups, use this checklist to anonymously evaluate the presentations made to you.
For one-or-two person presentations, use this checklist.
2. Presentations begin
We will be doing three presentations each day in each class (maybe two on Thursdays). Students get a one-half grade upgrade (for our class, not for IB) if they are ready to present on their scheduled day. If you are absent on the day of your presentation, you must present Mr. Ferlazzo with an excuse written by your parent or doctor. If you are absent or not ready the day of your presentation, you must present to Mr. Ferlazzo during lunch the next day. If you do not, your presentation grade will be reduced.
* All presentations completed
* If students decide they want one, plans are made for a pot luck the following week to celebrate completion of the Oral Presentations
Knowledge questions combine a Way of Knowing with an Area of Knowledge, are open-ended, and use Theory of Knowledge vocabulary. They should also refer to justification in some way (evidence, beliefs) either implicitly or explicitly.
Review this section by Prof. Crow is writing on behalf of TOK Tutor:
Consider these alternative questions:
1. Can we trust the senses?
2. When can we trust the senses?
3. Should we trust the senses?
4. To what extent should we trust the senses?
All four questions are forms of KQ, but they are varied in their impact and the quality of enquiry they generate.
KQs of the first type are fairly ‘weak’. Notice how they start with the verb ‘can’. Questions which start with variations of this verb (‘is’, ‘do’, ‘will’, ‘have’ and so on) are ‘closed’ questions, to which you can usually answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ without much further informed discussion.
KQs of the second type are sound, but may end up in a more factual discussion of the topic instead of one that questions how knowledge is built. Notice how it starts with one of the 5 Ws, ‘when’.
KQs of the third type are slightly stronger and more ‘open’ in their impact: the verb ‘should’ already introduces an ethical element to our thinking and encourages us to weigh up the strengths and weaknesses of our topic. Alternative starting expressions could be ‘might’, ‘could’, or ‘would’ either alone or in conjunction with one of the 5Ws.
KQs of the fourth type are perhaps the strongest. Look at the command expression ‘To what extent…’ whose job it is to challenge us not only to explore the scale and depth of knowledge, but also to evaluate the methods of its construction. Other command expressions are ‘In what ways…’ (which allows us to compare and contrast how knowledge is built in different AOKs) and ‘How far…’ (which allows us to enquire into issues related to the limits of knowledge and its implications.)
In the Oral Presentation example we viewed, students had created a survey and used the results as a part of their presentation (If you don’t remember what they did, go the video and watch at the 11 minute spot).
Do any of your knowledge questions create a possibility for you to create and use the results of a survey or an experiment?