ToK Essay Sentence Starters and Sentence Frames

Mr. Coey developed these helpful sentence starters:

ToK Essay Sentence Starters and Sentence Frames

Understanding Knowledge Issues:

  • “When I read the prescribed title, I can see that the issue with knowledge is that …”
  • “Of the ways of knowing, I know that ______________ and _______________ are two important ways of knowing related to the prescribed title because_______________________.”
  • “The relationship between these ways of knowing can be described as ___________________.”
  • “The strengths of these ways of knowing could be described as ___________________________
    ______________________________, and the limitations could be described as _____________
  • “When I look at the prescribed title, it makes me think of the following questions:”

Knower’s Perspective:

  • “As I begin thinking about my knowledge issues, I want to tell you about the time …”
  • “In my _______________ class, we were learning about ________________________, and I can see how that experience relates to the knowledge issue for the following reasons:”
  • “This knowledge issue reminds of the __________________________ theory I read about in _________________________________________ and it relates to the prescribed title by illustrating the idea of ___________________________________.”
  • “I feel like I have developed as a critical thinker because I now know that _________________.”

Analysis of Knowledge Issues:

  • “The prescribed title actually has this assumption about knowledge: ____________________”
  • “My thesis statement is argumentative and it implies that knowledge is ____________________
  • “From the example of ___________________________________, it can be claimed that we know that ____________________________________________________________________.”
  • “Although ______________________________________________________ claims that knowledge is _______________________________________, we should consider that knowledge is actually _______________________________________________________.”


  • “What I really meant to say is ________________________________________.”
  • “In conclusion, I am left with this question: _________________________________.”

“To understand knowledge, we must consider how knowledge ___________

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