Final Hints For Oral Presentation & PowerPoint


* Be sure to include short examples or stories for each key point you make.

* When you lay-out the different claims, please make sure you explain which Ways of Knowing are are being used to justify the claims.

* Make sure you don’t go over your time: eight minutes for one-person, twelve for two, eighteen for three

* Have notes on index cards, but don’t read word for word. Don’t look at slides and read off them.

* Don’t look at the screen when talk – look at the audience

* Be dressed professionally on the day of your oral presentation.

* Use images and text on slides. Do not have too much text on any one slide.

* Do not just repeat the text on your slides.

* Use slides to “show” concepts, explanations and not just to “tell” them.

* Make sure the images help in the understanding of the knowledge issue, and are not just there to look pretty.

* Show contrasting claims on one slide.

* Be sure to practice with your partner (s) at least three times prior to making your presentation. Make sure that one of those times is very shortly prior to your presentation.

* Remember basic presentation skills – posture, projecting voice, no gum-chewing


* If you use a quote, immediately follow it with putting it in your own words.

* Every real-life example, claim, counter claim, and discussion of linking questions MUST have a story/example connected to it (beginning/middle/end). See the second half of The Best Digital Storytelling Resources to learn about how to tell stories and their importance. Your stories should be a mix of personal ones and ones you’ve learned from texts, movies, history, etc. IMPORTANT: When you tell the stories, be sure to connect them back to the knowledge issue!

* Don’t only expand on TOK textbook ideas and concepts (and concepts we’ve explored through classroom materials and discussions) — also provide explicit connections to what you have learned from textbook and class. However, come up with your own examples to illustrate these concepts – don’t just repeat what’s in the textbook. Show original thought!

* Minimize sharing your opinion until the conclusion.