TOK Schedule For The Rest Of The Year

TOK Schedule for the rest of the year (subject to change):

One day per week you will prepare a TOK lesson in a small group.

One day per week you will teach a TOK lesson in a small group.

Three days each week you will work on either your Oral Presentation or your Essay.

This schedule will change when students are presenting their Oral Presentations.

The class will decide on a regular schedule — which days of the week we’ll prepare and teach lessons, and which days prepare for Oral Presentation or Essay.


Friday, Jan. 13th — Deadline for TOK oral presentation groups to form and turn-in topic.

Friday, Jan. 20th — Deadline for draft outline of oral presentation to be turned-in.  Should follow outline on class blog.

Friday, Jan. 27th — Deadline for draft PowerPoint presentation to be completed.


Wednesday, February 1st — Deadline for second version outline of oral presentation to be completed.

Friday, February 10th — Deadline final version of oral presentation outline to be completed.

Wednesday, February 15th — “Guinea Pig” oral presentation given & is publicly critiqued by teacher & class

Feb16th & 17th — Groups make changes based on critique

Monday, February 20th — Presentations Begin and are done through the week

February 27th through March 9th — Groups revise presentations


Monday, March 12th — Second Presentations Begin and are done through the week.

Friday, March 16th — Class Celebration!

March 19th — Preparations for Essay Begin — This is a non negotiable date.  We must begin Essay Prep at this time.


First Week is vacation

Essay & CAS Check-in


Essay (Remember, we’ll also have two weeks of state testing this month & San Francisco Field Trip)


Friday, June 8th Final Essay Due