Imagination As A Way Of Knowing

IB has added “imagination” as a new “Way of Knowing.”

Review these resources and identify ways that imagination can help or hinder our search for knowledge. Please be sure to come up with at least three concrete examples:

Quotes On Imagination

Imagination Can Change What We Hear and See

Brennan’s Hierarchy of Imagination

Imagination As A Way of Knowing

Imagination Links

Ways of Knowing Final Project

Ways of Knowing Final Project

Review what we have learned about all the Ways of Knowing:









In groups of 3-5 people each, prepare a ten-to- twelve presentation (no longer than twelve minutes), including a PowerPoint, on the most important ways five Ways Of Knowing can help and hinder our gaining of knowledge. You should include as many examples as possible. Your presentation should include Perception, Language, Reason, Emotion and your choice of one from the remaining four.

You will also have to begin your presentation by defining knowledge and end it by explaining which WOK you think is the most important one.

You will five days to prepare and practice your presentation.

You will have one week to prepare your presentation. Everyone should have a speaking role using index cards. Your PowerPoints will be posted on the blog for viewing by other TOK classes.

Please upload your presentation to Authorstream and post the link to it in the comments section of this post.

Student Towers

Students had to build towers with two sheets of paper, a 10 inch piece of tape, ten paper clips, and a scissors — without talking, and complete it in twenty minutes. We were studying what ideas could — and couldn’t — be communicated with gestures. The group in the first picture won the contest by building the tallest one.







Support Resources For The May, 2014 Essay Titles

Here are three useful resources for the May, 2014 Essay Titles:

Theory of Knowledge Dot Net has some good guidance on each question.

IB TOK Spot also has some good resources.

TOK Tutors continue to regularly send out new resources for each question: